Am kommenden Dienstag ist es wieder soweit. Wieder eine kleine, aber spannende Finissage, mit (sehr) netten Gästen, mindestens einer tollen Künstlerin und kühlen Getränken.

Finissage Lita Poliakova
Live, über die Kunst von Lita sprechen wird „Charles Washington:
„A question to think for Breakfast“. An artist talk based on how to negotiate between the internal voice and the market voice. Charles looks over the choices he has made as a choreographer and how that has influenced him artistically”.
Die Facebook-Veranstaltung findest du hier:
Übrigens: Am darauffolgenden Freitag, nämlich dem 8. November ist wieder unser lieber Marius Rehwalt zu Gast und wird sein neues Buch vorstellen.
Wir freuen uns dich bei beiden Veranstaltungen zu sehen und verbleiben mit einem Schmatzer auf die Wange 😉
Ein Gedanke zu „05. November 2019 – Lita Poliakova | Entrance is free – Art is not“
Vanessa Souli interviewed Lita Poliakova for Azucar Magazine, visual artist currently residing in Dortmund. Lita Poliakova was born in Leningrad in 1986. Having lived in the ‘remote’ society in Saint-Petersburg under the Soviet Union regime, she grew up thinking critically towards stereotypes and conventional ideas. Currently based in Germany she collides common and uncommon, comments on gender issues and consumption mania to reinterpret reality. The artist moves the spectator with the rawness of her images and sincere messages. Lita’s liberated artistic character welcomes the visitor to reflect on things that normally go by unnoticed.